Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Great Vaccine Debate

A GREAT discussion about vaccines is on our friend Ari Brown's website at http://www.windsorpeak.com/baby411/Vaccine.pdf

It is so hard to sort out fact from fiction in this age of vaccine fears. Dr. Brown has kindly allowed us to access this excerpt from her book Baby 411. We hope you read it and pass it along. We couldn't have said it better ourselves!
No matter which side of the vaccine debate you are on, make sure you have open and frank dialogue with your pediatrician. Open communication is key, and you can work together to devise a plan of action that both of you are comfortable with.

By the way, if you don't already have a copy of Dr. Brown's book Baby 411...run, don't walk...buy it. It's a must-have for any parent, and could save you a trip or two to our office!

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