Thursday, January 22, 2009

Health & Safety Tip: Are you keeping your New Year's Stay-Healthy Resolutions?

Well, we're 22 days in to the New Year and it's awe-inspiring to think how much change we've all been surrounded by of late! With all this excitement, it's sometimes easy to forget the promises we made to ourselves at the top of the year, so we thought we'd check in and see how your progress is going on your New Year's resolutions. We know how difficult it is to keep them, however well-intended they may be. So we're sharing our favorite stay-healthy resolutions that are actually easy to keep (and easy to pick up again any time of year)!

  1. "I resolve to use sunsreen on my family every day."
    We know, we know..."But it's January! And we're not at the beach!" Believe it or not, harmful UV rays don't just make their appearance Memorial Day through Labor Day. Exposure to UV rays adds up all year round. The most effective way to prevent skin cancer (aside from staying out of the sun) is to use sunscreen 365 days a year. Our favorite (though we know we're biased) is the Babysafe Sunscreen Towelettes SPF 30+. These indispensable sunscreen wipes are so easy to pop in the pocket of your winter coat and have a perfect amount of sunscreen to cover any exposed areas like face, ears & back of the hands -- any time of year.

  2. "I resolve to wash my hands...a lot!"
    In our pediatric practices we are constantly bombarded with nasty germs, yet we rarely get sick. Our most tried & trued stay-healthy secret is surprisingly simple: We wash our hands constantly! Hand washing is the most effective (and easiest) way to prevent the spread of germs that cause colds, the flu, and several gastrointestinal disorders. Help your kids get in the habit early by teaching by example. Make it fun and lather up to a rousing rendition of the ABCs! If you don't have soap and water handy, go ahead and use a great multipurpose alcohol-free wipe or all-natural hand sanitizer.

  3. "I resolve to adhere to the 30-second rule."
    Did you know the most effective way to maintain your and your baby's precious moisture barrier is to smooth on a moisture balm within about 30 seconds of patting dry? We like to call it the "30-second rule", and it's one of our favorite techniques to recommend to parents of children with eczema and dryness. Especially as the temperature continues to drop and winter dryness threatens even normally supple skin, we suggest at least a once-daily dose of moisture balm. A note to parents of children with very dry skin or eczema: One key to successfully treating these conditions is REPEATED application throughout the day.

  4. "I resolve to up the antioxidant ante."
    Antioxidants protect us (and our babies) on the inside and out, aiding in skin repair and strengthening blood vessels. Blueberries are our top "superfood" choice for little ones (they're packed with antioxidants, phytoflavinoids, Vitamin C and potassium!) and a recent British study even showed that an antioxidant-rich Mediterranean diet may even prevent allergic rhinitis and asthma symptoms in youngsters. When it comes to the outside, be sure to look for antioxidants like Vitamin E, Avocado Oil, Grapeseed Extract and Olive Squalane to protect baby's uniquely delicate skin from environment damage.
These resolutions we know we can keep... Now if only somebody would make it easier for us to stop eating chocolate and start jogging!

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